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How to Add and Customize the Assessment questions

After you create your Assessment learning activities (graded or non-graded), you can structure, add, and customize the assessment's questions. 

In this article, we will learn how to:

  • Edit the Starting and Ending screens.
  • Add Sections by clicking on the + icon that appears when hovering over the existing section. After adding the section and clicking on it, then you can rename, duplicate, move, or delete it.
  • Add Questions by clicking on the + icon that appears when hovering over the existing question. After adding the question and clicking on it, then you can rename, duplicate, move it up & down, or delete it.
  • Edit Questions by hovering over the added question. The side form will appear where you can add your content and set up the score, feedback, and tag settings of your question.
  • Add Widgets by hovering over the added questions and clicking on the + icons.

Starting & Ending Screen

The Starting screen is the first page that your users see when they start the assessment, and you can choose among the available starting screen templates.

You can modify the screen by clicking on the Starting screen option. After the editing mode of the screen's template opens, you can add widgets, change the text, add questions, etc.

The Ending Screen appears once a user submits their assessment. The ending screen widget has 3 statuses: Pass, Fail, and Pending (awaiting grading). You can choose each of those three statuses and modify the respective interface by clicking on the Assessment container. 

All options on the widget are configurable; for instance, you can add an image, a button, an embed widget, etc. To change the ending screen icons and text, go to Design Assessment Viewer.

 To choose what you would like to include in the ending screen widget, you can further edit the SettingsEnding Screen. Choose to enable the following options:

  • Ending screen icons
  • Ending screen title texts
  • Score (%)
  • Points
  • Correct answers
  • Time spent
  • Date submitted
  • Attempt#

Add Sections

By clicking on the +Add section that appears when hovering over the existing section, you can add a section and rename, duplicate, move up & down, or delete it.

Add Questions

Questions can be added in multiple ways:

1. By clicking on +Add question on the editor’s top bar.

2. By clicking on the +Add/Import question, under an empty section.

3. If a question exists, click on Add section below on the + icon when hovering over an existing question.

It is also feasible to:

1. Add questions from other Assessments.

2. Add questions via your Question bank.
3. Import questions via an XLS file.

Types of Questions

You can choose among the following types of questions:

Exam Questions

  • Multiple Choice: Text choice, Image choice, Video options, True/False, Dropdown, Custom.
  • Multiple Answers: Text Answers, Image Answers, Video Answers, Custom.
  • Match & Ordering: Match, Ordering
  • Short Text, Fill in the blanks
  • Text Assignment
  • File Assignment. This option is not available for free courses or free sections in a paid course (available in the Pro Trainer plans or higher)
  • Record Video/Audio (available in the Learning Center plans or higher)
  • Content Blocks: You can add text, animation, and widgets at any assessment point.

Self Assessment

This is a hybrid option because you can combine the power of Forms & Exams in the same learning activity. You allow your students to self-assess their knowledge, write down their thoughts, or get feedback from you.  

Self Assessment is a hybrid type of learning activity because it combines Exam (see above) & the below Form types of questions.

  • Multiple Choice: Multiple Choice, Multiple Choice/Answers, Dropdown, Country List, Consent
  • Match & Ordering: Match, Ordering
  • Text: Short Text, Paragraph, Fill in the blanks
  • Contact: First & Last Name, Email, Phone, URL
  • File Upload (available for the Pro Trainer plans or higher) 
  • Record Video/Audio (available for the Learning Center plans or higher)
  • Rating & Ranking: Linear, Start, Heart, Like
  • Date & Time: Date, Time, Date & Time
  • Contents Blocks: You can add text, animation, and widgets at any point in the assessment

Note: Not all types of questions are available for every type of learning activity. E.g., For Exam learning activities, you can add Exam types of Questions; for Form learning activities, you can add Form types of Questions & for Self Assessment learning activities, you can add both Exam & Form types of questions. 

Note: Video and Audio record type of questions do not have a limit on size, but they do have a limit in duration, which can be edited via their settings (video up to 40 seconds, audio up to 90 seconds).

Edit Questions

Hover over the added question and click on Edit Question. In the editing side form, you can set up each question type's settings in the below tabs:

  • General tab
  • Score tab (if available)
  • Feedback tab
  • Tags tab

Below, you can find some universal Question Settings that are common while editing different question types:

General Tab

  • Required: This Question is mandatory. The submission cannot take place if an answer is not filled in.
  • Hide from Viewer: If you hide a question from the player, then it is not shown to the user and does not influence the total count of questions (and thus the total score).

Score Tab

In specific types of questions (e.g., Dropdown, True/False, Text Assignment, File Assignment, etc.) between:

  • Basic 
  • Advanced scoring

With simple scoring, you will need to give a mark for correct and wrong answers, while with advanced scoring, you can give a mark for each option, whether wrong or right.

Feedback Tab 

Similar to scoring, you can provide feedback to your users. With Advanced feedback, you can provide feedback for each question individually.

If you choose to add an image to your Feedback, make sure to change the image's dimensions as follows:

Tags Tab

You can tag users based on their particular responses. Type the tag and click enter on your keyboard.

Edit Question Properties

Below are examples of individual settings per Question Type. Hover over your question and click on Edit Question.

Multiple Choice

  • Shuffle choices: When a user enters the assessment, the choices do not show with the order they are added but are randomly shuffled.
  • Option numbering: You can add the desired numbering before the option.

Multiple Answers

  • Shuffle choices
  • Option numbering
  • Number of user answers 

Note: The question cannot be submitted if the user does not give the desired number of answers as specified in this setting.


The True/False option settings are similar to a Multiple Choice question.


  • Placeholder: The placeholder value works exactly like the dropdown fields of the signup forms, meaning that:

a. If a question is not required, the placeholder option can be re-chosen.

b. If a question is required, then after choosing another option, it cannot be re-chosen.

  • Choices: This field is where you can input the dropdown options.
  • Dropdown width
  • Correct Choice: You can specify the correct option. If you choose it from the Assessment editor, it will also reflect in this setting.

Short text

  • Placeholder text: The text of the input field when the users have not filled it out yet.
  • Minimum characters
  • Maximum characters: If you have set up minimum characters, you need to add maximum, too, for the question to be submitted, even if it is not required.
  • Input width
  • Answer(s): You can specify all the available answer(s). You can separate the answers by clicking Enter on your keyboard.
In the short text type of question, even small deviations such as special characters or typos in the answers can lead to them being considered incorrect. For example, if the correct answer is the LearnWorlds word and the user has answered LearnWorlds. (with the dot), then the system will read it as an incorrect one. To address this, you need to incorporate multiple variations of the correct answer to avoid confusion.

Fill in the Blanks

  • Placeholder text: The text of the input field when the users have not filled it out yet.
  • Correct answers: here you add the correct answers your users can add so the question can be marked as Passed.

Text Assignment 

The Assignment question type includes a normal paragraph question. When this question type is chosen, the assessment is considered an assignment and moves to ungraded assignments to be graded.

  • Placeholder text
  • Minimum characters
  • Maximum characters
  • Textarea width
  • Textarea height

File Assignment 

The file assignment option is available from the Pro Trainer and higher plans. 

  • Max. no of files
  • Max file size (For Pro trainer plans or higher, supported files can be up to 20MB. For High Volume, supported files can be up to 50MB) 
  • Additional notes field
  • File upload
  • Dropbox
  • Provide a URL
  • Webcam image capture

Match Questions

  • Shuffle prompts: Normally, the learner will receive a shuffled version of the Match items. When you enable this setting, both the Prompt & the Match options will get shuffled/rearranged for the user.

Add a Widget

Hover over the added questions and click on the +icon to add widgets to your questions (text, buttons, images, embed code, etc.).

Extra Widgets

You can add widgets to all of your questions (text, buttons, images, embed code, etc.); however, we are also introducing two widgets that will be very helpful for your assessments:

Audio widget: The audio widget allows you to upload an audio file (the supported file types are the same as the audio learning activity). You can choose one of the three available templates and configure the widget's color, size, and alignment. You can also add a title and description; however, these will only appear on the eligible template.

Attach File widgetWith the attach file widget (button), you can upload a file, and upon clicking on the button, the users can download it. To not experience any issues with IOs devices, you will need to disable the block popups setting.

You can also configure the colors, text, background, and alignment. In the same attached file template, you can also import questions via:

You also have the option to export your assessment questions to use them outside of your school. If you want to learn more, click here.

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