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How to Manage your Blog Posts

Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate

In this article, you will find more information on how to manage your created Blog posts

By clicking here you can check our guide on how to set up your Blog overall.

Posts Manager

1. After enabling the Blog in your school, go to Website Blog→ Manage Posts.

2. In the Posts Manager window that pops ups, you can find a list of all of your blog posts.

3. You can search the blog by title and also filter posts by category. You can Edit, Preview, Delete, or Clone a blog post page.

Change the status of a Blog post (Public/Draft)

To set a Blog post from public (green) to draft (red) and vice versa, navigate the Blog Post editing page → Blog → Post Properties → Status, or alternatively, click on Post info/ Gear icon → Post Properties → Status.

Clone/ Delete blog post

You can duplicate or delete any of your blog posts by clicking on the 3 dots under the Blog authoring sideform.

Blog Post Page Properties

While on a Blog Post editing page, click on Blog → Post Properties on the authoring toolbar, or alternatively Post info/ Gear icon → Post Properties.

  • Post tab: You can edit the initial title, description, image, published date, categories, or author name given on the blog post.
  • Properties tab: In the Properties tab, you can edit the page name and copy the public URL of the page, or choose to show or hide the topbar/footer. Also, you can make this blog page available to the public or set it in draft mode if it is not ready yet.
  • SEO tab: By default, the Automatically Extract SEO engine is enabled, however, you can manually alter the SEO if you disable this option.

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