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How to Add Inline Sign In/Up/Reset Password Forms to Your School Pages

Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate

An inline authentication form allows users to sign up/login or reset their password without leaving the current page, ensuring a smooth, uninterrupted user experience. This feature enhances convenience, boosts engagement, and simplifies the authentication process, ultimately increasing user satisfaction and reducing abandonment rates.

In this article, we will learn how to integrate sign-in, sign-up, or reset password forms directly into your school pages to provide a seamless user experience.

Add a Sign in/up Section

To add a sign-in or sign-up section to your school's pages:

1. Navigate to Website â†’ Design → Edit website. Choose the page where you'd like to place the sign-in, sign-up, or reset password form (e.g., homepage, course page, etc.).

2. Click the Add Section button beneath the element where you want to integrate the form on your chosen page.

3. Find the Sign in/Up option. Click on one of the available templates to add the inline authentication form.

Customize the Authentication Form

Once the section has been added, you can personalize it further by following these steps:

1. Hover over the authentication form in your newly added section and click on Edit inline authentication form.

2. Customize the form by configuring the following options:

  • Display options
    • Default Form: Choose which form (sign in, sign up, or reset password) will appear first for users.
    • Element Visibility: Control the visibility of specific elements like the sign-in option, reset password link, section title, and any custom fields for the sign-up form.
  • Authentication methodsOffer all default authentication methods set for your school, or customize the list with LearnWorlds' default options, social logins, or Single Sign-On (SSO) methods.
  • User TaggingAutomatically assign specific tags to users who sign up through this form, making it easier to categorize and manage them based on their actions.
  • Show Custom Signup FieldsDisplay any custom signup fields activated for user registration. This setting applies if you have activated optional signup fields for registering in your school.
  • Required / Error Message ColorsAdjust the colors for error messages and required fields to match your site’s design.

The authentication methods and settings you have configured for the sign-in/sign-up form under Website â†’ Website settings â†’ Authentication will be applied to the inline form. 

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