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Vimeo Account Settings

To ensure smooth video playback on your LearnWorlds site, you must adjust your Vimeo account settings. This includes setting the correct video privacy options and hiding the default Vimeo player so the LearnWorlds interactive video player can function properly.

In this article, we will go through the necessary steps to configure your Vimeo account for LearnWorlds.

Vimeo Account Settings

Follow these steps to adjust your Vimeo settings:

1. Navigate to your Vimeo Account Settings from the drop-down menu of your Profile icon.

2. Go to VideosEmbed presets and +Add new Preset.

3. Give the name you wish to this preset, e.g., learnworlds-settings-Final, and click on Continue.

4. Scroll down to navigate to the settings of your preset. In the Player Preferences, you need to select Always hide for all the options, keep unchecked the checkboxes, and select the option Empty in the After video field like the screenshot below:

5. Navigate to VideosUpload defaults, and in the Choose embed preset to apply to your videos field, select the Preset you have created for LearnWorlds. 

If you have already uploaded videos in your account that you would like to use in your LearnWorlds school, activate the checkbox Also apply to all existing videos under the Choose embed preset to apply to your videos field.

If your school uses a custom domain, click Add domain in the Where can your videos be embedded field and enter your domain.

- If you upload videos before adjusting these settings, you might experience playback errors. Once the settings are applied, all new videos will play correctly.
- For previously uploaded videos, you can either play the video using the Vimeo ID or re-upload them to your video library.

Add your Vimeo videos to LearnWorlds 

To add a Vimeo video to a course as a learning activity:

1. Hide your video on Vimeo.

2. Add the video to your LearnWorlds in a video learning activity by entering the Vimeo video ID.

Learn how to find your Vimeo video ID, here.

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