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How to Add Videos to your Pages

The LearnWorlds Website Builder offers plenty of editor features for creating stunning pages. Here's everything you need to know about creating pages with LearnWorlds.

In order to add videos to your school's pages, follow these steps:

1. Go to the page where you wish to add a Video.

2. Hover between two sections and +Add section. Select any sections that allow you to add a video (e.g. Media & Text, Columns & Lists, CTAs, Galleries & Grids, etc).

3. If you wish to add a video to an existing section, add a Screen widget or a Gallery widget.

You can modify the Screen type for the video by selecting Change under the General or Screen Type options. Additionally, for particular screen types, you have the option to adjust the screen style, such as Draw, Realistic, or Outline.

4. Scroll down to Background and click on the Video or Embed options to insert your desired video from one of the available video libraries (school library, Vimeo, or Wistia) or add an embeddable code for the video (in case you are hosting your video on Google Drive for example).

You can choose to: 

  • Autoplay video
  • Mute sound
  • Loop video
  • Open the video in a pop-up window
  • See the video preview
  • Change the thumbnail
  • Hide video below: This option is combined with the Fallback image. If you choose to hide the video below certain devices (for example smaller than a desktop/laptop) then the learners using those devices, will only see the Fallback image.
  • Change the fallback image

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