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How to Add your Instagram Account as a Source for your Daily News

Pro Trainer
Learning Center
High Volume & Corporate

The Daily News option allows instructors/authors to curate their own newspaper using RSS feeds, selecting and declaring any desired number of feeds through the authoring environment.

In this article, you will find more information on how to add your Instagram account as a source for your Daily News section, using a third-party tool that converts an Instagram feed to an RSS source that you can plug into your LearnWorlds school.

To add your Instagram account as a source in your daily news section:

1. Visit (or any other RSS feed generator app) and enter an Instagram URL in Instagram RSS FeedClick on Generate.

2. Copy the generated URL.

3. Follow the process described here to incorporate this new RSS feed into your DailyNews.

  • Although the service has a free trial mode, additional charges apply for the long-term use of the third-party software.
  • If the metadata images are not fetched, we suggest reaching out to the RSS app's support team to see if they can enable this setting for you. As soon as the RSS app team has fixed this and the images get displayed in the RSS viewer, you should delete all the articles added via the RSS on your LearnWorlds school. Once you do that, re-add the RSS link so that the updated images can be fetched.

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