User Groups serve as a valuable tool for streamlining internal training, segmenting your audience, and unlocking numerous possibilities to provide personalized user experiences.
You can add users to groups and even automate the additions based on specific rules. Upon setup, all users meeting the specific requirements will be added to the created group.
This article can work as a guide, that can introduce you to user groups and can be shared with the User Group Managers to assist with their training.
User Group Manager Overview
The User Group Manager's role is to manage the product that they are assigned to, which consists of a group of students and courses (optional). As the manager, you can monitor and manage the created groups and included users. You can add new users, one by one or in bulk, manage the course enrollments, and monitor the users' progress.
User Group Manager Capabilities
As a User Group Manager you will be able to manage the users added to this group you have been assigned to (e.g., bulk add and enroll users, manage the available group, manage the user enrollments, review their assessments, and monitor the user progress).
The available capabilities for a manager could be (depending on the permissions that the school administrator has configured):
- Manage users: create a use, use bulk actions, perform basic and advanced user actions, update user progress, delete a user
- View users
- View user groups and group members
- View user analytics
- Manage user segments
- Export user analytics
- Manage scheduled reports
- View activity history
- View and manage gradebook
- View and manage certifications
- View and manage the review center
Manage User Groups
1. Go to Dashboard → Manage User Groups or Users→ Manage group members.
In the dashboard, you can see the Title of the group, when it was created and updated, the included courses (if there are any), members, group managers, and the available actions.
2. Hover over the Actions tab and click on the Manage group members.
There you can add and bulk add and/or enroll users in the group (see below), and you can track the:
- Users
- Their Last Login
- Courses they are currently enrolled in
- Manage tab
Add and/or Enroll Users
Hover over the Actions tab and click on the Users option. There you can:
Add Member
You can add a single user to the User Group, provide the user’s details and an invitation email will be sent, asking the user to set a password for accessing your school.
Bulk Add Members
Click on Bulk add members, download the Excel template (see below), and fill in the user details in Excel to add users to this specific User Group.
If you want users to be enrolled automatically in the included course, the respective setting must have been enabled by the admin.

The file you will upload shouldn't be differentiated from the Excel template. Here are some tips to follow:
a. Download the sample file (Excel template).
b. Use this template and add the data in the respective default fields. Do not alter the fields or add additional ones. A username and email are required (for "username," you can add a name and surname).
c. Clear Formatting: In the case of copy-paste, keep in mind to copy the cells without any formatting, and since you will be adding emails, make sure they are not added as links.
Ctrl+Shift+V for Windows or Command+Shift+V for Mac would help to clear formatting when copy-pasting.
When the Excel file is ready, upload it in the respective field.
Meanwhile, you can track the progress of the bulk action if you go to Reports Center → User action log.
Reports Center
In User Analytics, as a manager, you have access to the:
- Report Center: Αnalytic engines that allow you to interpret and analyze data about the group's users' progress.
- Activity Log: Τhis offers an overview of the scheduled reports and allows you to filter their reports by type and date and view the "In progress" and "Upcoming" reports.
In regard to the Exams, as a manager, you have access to the:
- Gradebook: Ηelps you keep an online record of their users' grades in exams, assignments, and certifications. You can grade them, view, reset, edit their grades, and export assessment results.
- Certifications: The dashboard where you can find all the details related to user-issued certificates.
- Review Center: Τhe tool where you will see users' responses pending for grading and/or feedback. You can also grade them from there or view their graded responses and edit them if you wish.
About the Activity Log, as a manager, you have access to:
- Events: Gives real-time information about the school activity. A great tool to help you keep track of all the important events that take place in regard to the Seat users and offer better support to them.
- Emails: A reporting tool to track at a glimpse the notification emails being sent automatically to the users upon a trigger e.g, course completion, course enrollment, seat enrollment, etc
- User action: Where you can see a record of their Bulk actions and filter results according to the Bulk action type and the Date that the action was performed.