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How to Upload and Manage your Videos

Incorporating videos in online courses is crucial as they enhance learning by making content more interactive and visually appealing. You can use LearnWorlds' internal video storage so that all videos that you upload to your private video collection will be securely stored by LearnWorlds. Additionally, you can connect your own Vimeo Pro or Wistia account, allowing everything you upload from within your LearnWorlds site to be stored directly in your own account.

This article provides all the information needed to upload your videos and use our video editing tools to keep your audience engaged.

Upload a Video

Before including a video in your courses or pages, you need to upload it to the video library within your course. 

Ensure you configure your Video Storage Preferences and verify the supported video formats in LearnWorlds before starting the upload process.

Video Settings

The next step is to configure the video player settings to suit your needs. You can choose a skin for your school's video player and adjust the player setup. Options include:

  • Enabling autoplay
  • Resuming playback
  • Controlling transcript display
  • Customizing the progress bar
  • Modifying various other settings

Share your Videos

After your videos have been successfully uploaded and the settings have been configured, you can return to your course authoring page and choose to:

Interactive Video Editor

By opting for LearnWorlds Video Storage, you gain access to the LearnWorlds Interactive Video Editor. This user-friendly tool, complete with intuitive templates, allows you to enhance your videos effortlessly. 

Choose from a wide range of elements and add them with a single click to make your videos engaging and captivating for your audience. You can incorporate text, images, interactions, a table of contents, subtitles, transcripts, and much more!

If you want to find out more about our interactive video editor, click here

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