Using a Community inside your school is a really important feature that can help users connect, collaborate, and grow together.
In your community, all the discussions are divided into collections and spaces (created by Admins or Community managers), and you can assign a dedicated Manager to each of your spaces. Spaces can be public or private. A public space is available to all users without any further actions; however, when it comes to private spaces, you can limit the number of members since you need to invite them to the space.
In this article, we will learn how to invite space members and assign space managers in the community.
Invite Space Members
In order to create a new space, click on + Add new space, fill in all the necessary information like:
- Name
- Default feed sorting
- If you want to show space members
- If you want to hide space from the community
- Choose the permissions, reactions, and attachments users can use
Once the general settings are set up, you can edit the Space Access. If you choose to create a Private Space, you will see the additional option to invite users and all the filtering options.
You can use a general search bar where you can search users:
- By username or email address,
- Course
- Date (new users/ active users)
- Role
- Status
Or use the advanced search option, where you can add more filters and segment your users more (similar to the report center).
Once you choose the users you want to add to the Private space, click on Save, and an invitation will be sent to them to join the space!
The notification sent to users can be configured under the Invite notification in the Community emails of your school emails. Your users will need to click on the invitation link to activate the access to the private space and see it in the Community.
Under Collections, you can create collections, and see the created space and additional information for each space, like the number of members who are invited, who are active, the number of posts, and when was the last post posted.
You can edit or delete a space after it is created, and for private spaces invite new users or check the status of the ones you have already invited. Hover over the space and click on the 3 dots or each available setting.
Under Space Members, you can search users based on their username and see all of the space members and, more specifically:
- Joined users
- Invited users
- Removed users
- Users who Left
Once a user is added to the space, you can:
- Send them a message
- Promote them to Space Manager
- Remove them from the space
User view
A notification is sent to users' inboxes, allowing them to accept the invitation and be directed to the designated space. Additionally, users have the freedom to leave the space at any time, by hovering over the space, clicking on the three dots, and Leave.
Community Space Managers
Community Space Managers are Management User roles that are assigned to a Space and can View posts, Edit posts, Post, and Delete posts only in their assigned space. Space managers can also be notified about a new post, new comments, and members who joined /left their assigned space if an admin has enabled the respective fields in Communication → Sschool emails → Admin settings under Notify Community Space Managers. Every user/learner can become a space manager if an admin or a community manager sends them the respective invitation.
Assign Space Managers
Admins and community managers can create Space Managers by following these steps.
1. Once a user is added to the created space, navigate to Communication → Collections, choose the space you are interested in and click on Space Members. You can then hover over the user you wish to assign and Promote them to Space Manager.
2. Navigate to Users → All Users, select the user you wish to assign as a Space Manager, and click on Edit User after hovering over the 3 dots. Choose the Management Role and assign the space.
Community Space managers are different from Community managers and have different permissions. They can:
- View/Edit/Post/Delete posts
in their assigned spaces. While Community Managers can:
- View/Edit/Post/Delete posts
- Add/Edit/Reorder/Delete collections
- Add/Edit/Reorder/Delete spaces
You can find out more on how to create a Community and Space Manager Roles, in this article.