The Headings and Main Text widgets can be added within a section to further add information or a title. To add a Headings or Main Text widget:
1. Go to Website → Design → Edit Website.
2. Choose the page you want to edit from the Pages Manager.
3. Click on the + icon/Add Widget within a section to add one of our available Headings or Main text widgets.
Each heading from 1 to 4 comes in three different widgets/sizes, namely, there is h1 large, h1 normal, h1 small, and so on.
The basic Typography settings allow you to adjust the font size of the basic text widgets: headings 1 to 4 (of size normal) plus the large, normal, and small main text widgets. So, for instance, you can adjust the font size of the h4 normal text widgets to 20px, and all h4 normal text widgets throughout your website will be 20px.
This is dynamic, meaning if you adjust the size of h1 normal text widgets, h2 large text widgets are adjusted accordingly, to offer extra safety regarding your school’s style.
- Text Content: You can further format the text via the Text editor, where you can strike through a word, choose the font size, superscript or subscript a number, insert an ordered/unordered list, insert a table or special characters, decide the font/background color, remove all formatting, create links, add icons or even variables from the provided list:
- Font Properties: You can choose another Font Family, from the font families added in your School's Typography settings.
- Text Shadow: Edit the Text's shadow options.