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How to Compress your Videos with Handbrake

Keep your videos small in size and duration to captivate users’ interest.  We recommend you compress your files as much as possible, especially if you are using 720p or 1080p. This will save you a lot of time from uploading and encoding these videos as well as improve the overall loading experience of your school on the learner’s side.

To really compress your videos without losing the quality you can use a tool like Handbrake. 

1. Click here to download Handbrake.

2. Select your video file: drag and drop it on the space provided.

3. Set the dimensions, the video format to MP4, and make sure the Video Encoder is set to H.264.

4. Choose where you would like the file to be saved, by clicking on Browse.

5. You can further adjust the video quality under the Video tab.

6. Click on Start Encode.

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