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Learning Activities Supported by LearnWorlds

In LearnWorlds, every course is structured with Sections and Learning Activities. Sections are comprised of clusters of learning activities that encompass various educational materials, including Ebooks, Videos, Assessments, and more!

In this article, you can find a list of all the Learning Activities (educational material) supported by LearnWorlds categorized as Multimedia, Live Sessions, Exams, Self-Assessment, Forms, Certificates, and Embed types of learning activities. 

Once you create your course, you can start adding Course Sections and Learning Activities.

1. Go to the Course Manager and select the course you want to edit.

2. In the Course outline tab of your course, add sections to organize your material.

3. Click on Add Activity to start adding learning activities within the sections.

4. Click on Save or Save and Edit to make changes immediately. 

You can utilize AI to easily generate the course outline and learning activities, thus saving time and effort. You can find out more information in this article. 

Multimedia Learning Activities

Video (interactive)

With LearnWorlds, you can upload videos directly to your Video Library or integrate content from your Vimeo or Wistia accounts. The platform's interactive video editor allows you to significantly increase course engagement rates. This powerful tool transforms how learners interact with your content, heightening their interest in your offerings and potentially boosting sales.


Incorporating a PDF learning activity into your course player is a great way to offer material to your students. It can be downloaded and retains its format.

SCORM / HTML 5 Packages

You have the option to upload SCORM/HTML5 Packages, a feature included in the Pro Trainer plan or higher. This offers several advantages, such as standardized progress tracking, extensive customization options, accessibility, portability across various systems, and the ability to maintain persistence.

Presentation (PowerPoint)

You can incorporate existing presentations into your courses. For instance, you can upload your PowerPoint files, allowing users to access them alongside the rest of the course content.


You can enhance your LearnWorlds school's content by integrating YouTube videos. If you already manage a YouTube channel, there's no better way to enrich your courses than by incorporating your own video content.


This learning activity will allow you to include audio files in your courses. Including audio files in online courses enhances accessibility and engagement, catering to diverse learning styles and providing a multi-sensory learning experience.


You can incorporate the embeddable code of a SoundCloud track into your courses, to enhance students' auditory learning experience by providing them with direct access to audio content that complements their studies and enriches the course material.

Live Sessions

Live Meetings & Webinars With Zoom

You can integrate your Zoom account into your LearnWorlds school and create Zoom meetings and webinars (available for the Pro Trainer plan or higher). If you have additional Zoom accounts connected (available in our Learning Center plan or higher), you can also choose the Zoom account associated with the learning activity.

Live Meetings with Webex

Once you connect your Webex account with your LearnWorlds school, you can create a Webex Learning Activity for your courses (available for the Pro Trainer plan or higher). If you have additional Webex accounts connected (available in our Learning Center plan or higher), you will also be able to choose the Webex account associated with the learning activity.

1:1 Session

In LearnWorlds, you can allow your users to schedule a 1:1 session with you as an admin or any course creators and instructors using the built-in Calendly integration.

Group Session

Enable your learners to reserve their spot in a Group session in your connected Calendly account.



By incorporating a Social Learning activity into your courses, you can create a designated course or community space where users have the opportunity to connect with peers, inquire about topics, exchange ideas, and actively participate in discussions.



An E-book learning activity is a learning object that presents textual information. You can create your own E-Book content using our consistent design options, empowering templates, and AI assistance, or import your existing text and present it using tens of eye-catching and responsive templates.


Exam (Graded Assessment)

With our assessment builder, you can create examination tasks with advanced or simple scoring to evaluate your users' progress. An Exam is a formal test that can include different types of questions:

  • Text assignment
    Graded exam template with a text assignment question. After submission, you will be asked to grade students’ responses and provide feedback.
  • File assignment 
    Graded exam template with a file assignment question. After submission, you will be asked to grade students’ files and provide feedback.
  • Video assignment 
    Graded exam template with a “Record Video” question. After submission, you will be asked to grade students’ videos and provide feedback.
  • Audio assignment 
    Graded exam template with a “Record Audio” question. After submission, you will be asked to grade students’ audio recordings and provide feedback.

Graded SCORM Package

Graded SCORM packages enhance our SCORM learning activity option (available in the Pro Trainer plan or higher) and allow you to integrate Score and Pass/Fail results from SCORM into your Gradebook.

Self Assessment

Self-Assessment (Non-Graded Assessment)

Self-assessments are informal tests that can facilitate the revision of a particular lesson or help to store feedback in your school for survey purposes. Scoring is not available in this type of assessment, and users can get immediate feedback for their responses. A Self-Assessment is a non-formal test that can include different types of questions:

  • Write your views/goals/emotions
    Self-assessment template with a text assignment. After submission, you will be asked to provide feedback.
  • Upload your work
    Self-assessment template with a file assignment question. After submission, you will be asked to provide feedback.
  • Record your short video
    Self-assessment template with a “Record Video” question. After the video submission, you will be asked to provide feedback.
  • Record your audio
    Self-assessment template with a “Record Audio” question. After the audio submission, you will be asked to provide feedback.
  • Diary
    Allow students to jot down their thoughts and reflect on things that happened, free from outside judgment and feedback.
  • Reflection journal
    Give students the opportunity to reflect and comment on their previous answers/reflections/goals/opinions.



The Form Learning Activity (available in the Pro Trainer plan or higher) is an intuitive way to create surveys bound to your courses and receive feedback from your users. The school administration has the capability to create a comprehensive survey featuring various question formats. Additionally, they can later access and review the responses provided by users at their convenience.


Certificate of Knowledge

The Certificate (of Knowledge) is a learning endeavor that merges a Graded Assessment with a Certification exam. Upon successful completion, this exam grants a certificate to the participant.

To attain the Certificate of Knowledge, users must first demonstrate proficiency by achieving a passing grade on a specialized final assessment. This serves as tangible proof of the acquired knowledge level required to earn the certificate.

Certificate of Completion

The Certificate of Completion is typically issued upon the conclusion of a course and presented to users who fulfill specific requirements. For instance, it is granted once users successfully finish all quizzes or learning tasks within the course.



Our platform allows you to embed a wide variety of web content, such as Google Forms and presentations, directly into your courses. This is important because it enables seamless integration of interactive and diverse educational resources, enhancing the learning experience for students.


You can utilize the embeddable code of a Slideshare presentation to showcase visual material to your users. Incorporating visual presentation is important because it enhances engagement and understanding by integrating visually rich content directly into your platform.

External Link

This option allows you to incorporate web pages as external sources in your courses. This option provides students with access to up-to-date information and a broader range of perspectives, enhancing their learning experience.

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