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How to Configure the Assessment Settings

After you create Assessment learning activities (graded or non-graded) you can configure their settings, such as the passing grade, the feedback, etc. Assessments include various crucial settings that can alter the user experience and results. Below, you'll find a list of the available settings, instructions on how to enable them, and the effects they have.

1. Go to Courses → Course manager and go to the Course outline tab.

2. Hover over the assessment learning activity and click on Edit Questions.

3. In the Assessment Builder environment, click on Settings.

Let's analyze each setting:

Grade & Attempts

a. Passing grade in %: You can set the passing grade of the assessment. 

b. Allow Multiple Attempts: You can allow users to have unlimited or an exact number of attempts in any case, or when they fail, or generally, you can prohibit resubmissions.

c. Confirmation popup: You can choose the option to show a confirmation popup before the submission and customize the text of it.


a. No timer: By enabling this setting, users can stay on the assessment for as long as they want. They will need to manually submit the assessment for the admins/instructors to see their responses.

b. One timer for the entire assessment: Users will get a specific amount of time to complete the assessment. The users' answers will be automatically submitted once the time passes.

c. One timer for each question: This setting can only be used when a specific navigational template (the Card-based/Submit as you go) is enabled.

A timer for each question can be set when the assessment’s navigation mode is set to the Card-based/Submit as you go template, where each question is submitted separately. Submitting each question separately means that once a question is submitted, it cannot be edited, even if the entire assessment has not yet been submitted.


The Randomize settings control how the assessment content is delivered.

a. Select the number of questions to show:  Specify how many questions you would like to deliver per section.

b. Shuffle questionsRandomize the order of the questions that are delivered to the user.

c. Deliver same questions on retake: You can choose to show the same questions to the user if they choose to retake the assessment. 

If you add questions from a Question Bank and you wish to randomize a number of these questions in your Assessment, ensure that the Required option in your questions is set to off. 


In Feedback settings, you can choose to provide a feedback report to the student and adjust the information it includes. 

a. Show feedback: You can show the feedback as a button and an embed option in the ending screen or as a downloadable PDF report.

b. Which questions to show: You can pick the question you would like to show, such as the questions that only the learner answered, only the questions that the learner has left unanswered, etc.

c. What to include in feedback: You have some available options to include in the feedback, like whether the answers were correct or not, the section titles, the question score, etc.

The feedback report can include just the questions, the questions, and the student's answers, a results analysis table (the table shown on the ending screen), and the questions' feedback, depending on your choices on What to include in the feedback section.  

To add feedback to your questions, you need to:

1. Click on Edit questions,

2. Enable the setting Provide feedback.

3. You can also enable Advanced feedback, in which you can add different feedback for each option.

Manual feedback

When you enable Manual feedback and add closed-ended questions in an assessment activity, the students will be transferred to the Review Center for the instructor to post their feedback. While waiting for feedback, students will see a pending screen and get notified when it's ready

Note: Assessments containing assignment-type of questions (questions that need to be manually graded/reviewed) are always sent to the Review Center and are not affected by this setting.

Ending screen

In the Ending screen settings, you can configure the widgets presented in the ending screen (e.g., results in analysis widget).

Results Analysis Widget: You can select whether you would like to show the result analysis widget or not.

Results analysis widget should include: You can choose among several options, such as score, points, etc., that you would like to appear within the widget on the ending screen.

When pending for manual grade/feedback: You can either show the correct answer/score and feedback or not.

Auto recovery

By activating this setting, you can allow your students to navigate away and return to the assessment within a time window without losing their answers. 

For Exams, the Admin/Instructor can choose when a user comes back after the auto recovery period passes, whether they fail or not.  If this option is not activated, the users do not fail the answers are deleted, and they must re-attempt it. 

For Self-assessments, the user does not fail when they don’t come back within the auto recovery period, the answers are deleted, and they must re-attempt it.

  • You may encounter Abandoned, Unfinished, or Rejected statuses. The Abandoned status happens when a user fails the exam and does not come back within the auto-recovery period. If a user leaves mid-assessment without interruptions enabled, when they visit the assessment again they will see the ending screen with the attempt graded as 0. 
  • The Unfinished status is shown if a user leaves the submission, doesn't come back before the auto-recovery time runs out, and hasn't revisited the assessment yet. Unfinished logs are not included in the export report file.
  • The Rejected status can happen for submissions that are invalid due to browser session expiration. For example, if a required question has not been answered or the timer expired and the submission took place.
  • The auto-recovery option is not available in preview mode; it only functions when the course is accessed as a student.

Learner tools

You can show a sidebar presenting all available questions concisely. Allow students to navigate easily between questions and bookmark them as well as add time reminders. To set a reminder, you would need to enable a time window for the assessment in the Timer setting. Last but not least you can enable the Spellcheck setting which disables browser spellcheck in input fields to prevent students from getting hints.

Note: Only users can set reminders (the admin cannot pre-set the reminders for the users), bookmark questions, and search among question descriptions.

After Submission

You can tag students after assessment submission. Enable and customize a submission confirmation popup right before submission. Also, you can directly add the tag that you would like them to be included.

Assignment grading

You can set the passing grade for assignment questions in the exam (open-ended questions). The assessment’s passing grade can be inherited, or you can set a different one for the assignments.

Note: To create an assessment, you can check our article here.


Here you can set up the navigation flow between the questions for your users. You can learn more here.


You can find and customize system UI texts.

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