After you create Assessment learning activities (graded or non-graded), you are able to fully customize them, using our Assessment Builder in order to make the assessments attractive and make the course journey fun and interactive for your users. To change the design aspects of the assessment, open the assessment editor:
1. Go to Courses → Course manager and click on the Course outline tab.
2. Hover over the assessment learning activity and click on Edit Questions.
3. In the Assessment builder, click on Design at the tools topbar, to navigate to each of the following options:
Theme Explorer
On the Theme Explorer, you can choose among the Colors, Vertical Spacing, and Question Layout templates.
On the Backgrounds tab, you can customize each and every background color of the assessment. These include:
a. Background
b. Assessment Container
c. Question Description background
d. Question Answer background
e. Top/bottom page shapes
You can detect the specific area being modified from the dashed lines.
On the Typography tab, you can select the type and size of each of the available options (including question description, multiple-choice labels, inputs, text areas, etc.). You can also amend the colors of the input fields, text areas, dropdowns, linear/rating, error messages, and the file upload button.
On the Navigation tab, you can pick the way a user navigates in the assessment. You are able to select the:
- Navigation mode
- Navigation Layout
- Previous buttons
- Submit buttons
- Navigation bar
The Navigation mode is related to the way the questions are displayed. This section includes the following options:
a. Classic form: All the questions are displayed in the same place and the user accesses them by scrolling.
b. Card-based: Only one question/content block is shown at a time. Only the questions that belong to the same section are shown. If the user wants to see the questions in the following section, they need to click on the next button at the bottom of the screen. If they want to go back to the previous section, they can click on the previous button.
However, you can allow users to move backward in an Assessment. This navigation setting also allows the progression of the assessment to the next one (Auto navigate to the next question option).
c. Section-based: Only the questions that belong to the same section are shown.
d. Card-based/ Submit as you go: The users need to click submit on each question. You can show immediate feedback. By enabling this setting, the feedback will be shown on the submission. Also, you are able to allow navigation to the previous question.
Assessment Viewer
On the Assessment Viewer tab, you can configure the settings regarding the question checkbox/radio buttons, transitions, and the appearance of the clock if a time limit has been set up. You can also directly change the text for the Pass/Fail/Pending status for exams and the Completed/Pending status for Self-Assessments.