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How to Integrate Kit with your LearnWorlds School

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High Volume & Corporate

Kit is one of the most famous e-mail marketing tools and is highly preferred by users who want to create automated email campaigns and dynamic email notifications with custom tags. With Kit, you can also sync your collected leads and school users to your custom Kit email lists in real-time.

In this article, we will learn how to integrate Kit with your LearnWorlds school.

Setup your Kit Account

If you are new to Kit, all you need to do is follow the next steps to ensure that you will have a seamless experience when integrating the platform with your school.

1. Login to your Kit account, or sign up, if you are new to Kit.

2. Create your audience through forms.

Learnworlds lets you sync to Kit two distinct LearnWorlds groups: registered Users and Leads. For that reason, it provides you with the option to sync them to different Kit audiences.

The user information in LearnWorlds that sync by default with Kit is Full Name (First Name and Last Name) and Email. If you wish to further personalize your email campaigns with Users’ / Leads’ dynamic content, you can add extra Custom Fields to your forms

You can find out more about Custom Fields below:

A. User Custom Fields: Υou are able to sync with Kit the following user information stored in LearnWorlds:

B. Leads Custom Fields: Learnworlds allows syncing the information set for each lead in your school with Kit. This information is a mix of activity and Custom fields, populated as a result of the lead’s activity while subscribing from email grabbers and UTM fields.


  • To sync any of these fields, you must first create the corresponding custom fields in the Forms you have selected for your Subscribers in Kit.
  • New custom fields will appear after creating new Custom Sign-up fields and tags created from the Newsletter sections (email grabber section).
  • The fields should be in text format, and they should NOT be set to required.

Connect your Kit Account with LearnWorlds

Now that your Kit account and forms are set up, you can proceed with integrating them with your LearnWorlds school.

1. Click on Settings IntegrationsEmail integrations.

2. Click on the Kit tab and then check the Activate box.

3. You will then notice that some new fields have appeared: Kit API key and Kit API Secret.

4. To fill these fields, open your Kit account and navigate to your Profile iconAccount SettingsAdvanced.

5. Copy (CTRL + C) the API key and paste it to the respective field in your School integrations tab, and then click on Show to copy the API Secret.

6. Return to your school and paste them to respective fields and click Connect to Kit.

When you first connect this integration with your school, you’ll need to:

1. Select your lists,

2. Choose the autograding options (if applicable), 

3. Save your settings, and 

4. Sync your contacts. 

Keep in mind that the sync process is only required the first time you connect the integration to your school. However, if you later add custom fields to the integration, you’ll need to sync again. Below you can find details for each step.

Select your Kit lists

You can import your registered users to a Kit list and add all of your leads captured on your pages (through email grabbers) to a separate (or even the same) list. Your leads will be automatically added to the selected Kit list once they submit their e-mail.

Make sure to click Save before leaving the page to apply your changes.


When a user (or you, on behalf of the user), performs an action in LearnWorlds, the latter will automatically apply an action-specific tag to that user in Kit.

Auto-tagging is available for the following actions:

  • User enrolls in a product: A product can be any course (paid, free, or with a payment plan), bundle, or subscription. The action will also be triggered by manual enrollments.
  • User previews a free section of a paid course.
  • User is awarded a certificate.
  • User completes a course.
  • User is a paying customer: The lw-paying-customer tag is applied to any user who has purchased at least one course.

Be sure to click Save to apply and validate your changes.

Tags are synced automatically in real-time, but only when the tag is added to the user in LearnWorlds and the Auto-tagging feature is already enabled. Any tags assigned to a user before Auto-tagging is activated will not be synced.

Sync your contacts with Kit 

As soon as you have selected your lists, all you need to do is click on Sync your contacts with Kit. Use the Sync your contacts to Kit button every time you select a new Audience to sync your school’s Users and/or Leads with.

Use the Update forms button every time you need to make available the latest audience changes in LearnWorlds.

Your users and the changes in their data are synchronized automatically in real-time. However, if you add tags via an excel file, as shown in our respective article, or if you add tags after a mass import of users to your online school, the user tags will not be synced with your Kit accounts. 


According to Kit Glossary, review the terminology we use to discuss audiences and Custom Fields.

  • FormsA collection of contacts and audiences, along with their profile details, preferences, and other data.
  • Custom fieldsA place where specific contact details are stored, like a cell in a spreadsheet.
  • TagsA unique, text-based identifier corresponding to the data in an audience field.
  • Dynamic contentThe personalized or, otherwise unique content that's inserted into a campaign by a Custom Field.
You can integrate with multiple email marketing platforms, each supporting different forms and campaigns!

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