Your school's information includes essential details such as the school's name, timezone, social media links, and more. It's crucial to keep this information updated so that your users can access all the necessary details about your company.
To edit them you can visit Settings → School Settings → School info. Under this tab, you can fill in different information about your school, such as the
- School Name appears in all of your school's emails and invoices.
- School description, here you can include a few words about your school. That information will show up when you use the variable {{school.description}} in your pages.
- School ID, this is the school's unique identifier and cannot be edited.
- Company name, the name of your company
This is where you also select the time zone of your school, which will determine the unlocking of your courses' sections, in case you use drip-feed. You can also set a:
- Contact email, this e-mail address will be used as reply-to when your learners receive e-mail notifications.
- Support email, questions, and problems from your users will be sent here, this is visible on the Account page.
- Sales email, this e-mail address shows up on your invoices.
- Phone number, this is the number where your learners can give you a call.
- Skype account
- LinkedIn Organization Id, the Organization ID helps in identifying your LinkedIn organization account when learners share their certificates.
- Address, this is your physical address, if you have one, the contact address shows up on your receipts.
- Social account details, add the addresses of your social accounts and connect your school with your social network.
Additionally, you can change the date format of your school according to your preference. This affects both the authoring and user-interface pages and templates, such as the Blog post hero sections. You can choose between a Short and a Long date. Each widget and area in the platform takes its format version (long or short), and it cannot change on demand.
The Short date format affects the dates shown on invoices.
Specifically, the included formats are:
Short Date:
YYYY-MM-DD: 2022-09-25
MM-DD-YYYY: 09-25-2022
DD-MM-YYYY: 25-09-2022
YYYY/MM/DD: 2022/09/25
MM/DD/YYYY: 09/25/2022
DD MMM YYYY: 25 Sep 2022
Long Date:
dddd, MMMM D, YYYY : Sunday, September 25, 2022
dddd, Do MMMM, YYYY: Sunday, 25th September, 2022
MMMM DD, YYYY: September 25, 2022
MMMM Do, YYYY: September 25th, 2022
D MMMM, YYYY: 25 September, 2022
Do MMM, YYYY: 25th September, 2022
DD MMM YYYY: 25 Sep 2022