In LearnWorlds, the pages' structure consists of widgets and sections. This allows you to add different sections that include images or add image widgets throughout your school's pages.
The Media Library is where you can upload images to your page sections and widgets from various sources, such as your device, your image library in LearnWorlds, Unsplash, your camera, Dropbox, or the Site Template, which contains pre-loaded images. Below, you can find a detailed guide on how to use that feature.
- When you add a section that includes an image, you can click on the image template to edit it. If you attempt to add/change the image on the sideform, the Media Library will pop up.
- Similarly, when you add a widget, such as an Image and Vector Graphics (SVG) widget, you can edit it, attempt to add/change the image on the side tool panel and open the Media Library. You can choose any of our available sections or widgets that allow you to add an image.
My device
1. Choose an image from your device, Drag and Drop the image, and then click on Upload 1 file.
2. You can change the image's title, add categories, copy the URL, and crop the image by dragging/moving the highlighted blue rectangle at the bottom right.
3. Click on Insert Image, and the image will replace the template’s default one. If you click on Save to Library, you will be taken to the saved pictures in the Image Library.
- If you alter the uploaded image (e.g., crop it), the original and the altered one will be saved in your Image Library.
- You can upload more than one file at a time. We suggest uploading images up to 1MB to prevent the page from loading too slowly.
Image Library
The Image library is where all your saved images are located, where you can search an image by name or category:
- The word Categories in the search field and a drop-down menu of all available categories will appear only in the case that you have added at least one category in one of your images. You can insert, edit, preview, and delete the image.
- In case you would like to download an image, you can visit the Image Library, click on the pencil widget, and copy the URL of the page in order to paste it into a new window. Once opened in a new window, right-click the image, choose the copy image option, and finally save it on your device.
Free pics
In this tab, you can enter a search quote (e.g., sunrise) and see the image results via Unsplash. The results can be filtered by Landscape, Portrait, and Squarish:
You will also notice that if you hover over an image, some extra options appear, enabling you to edit, preview the image, and choose a resolution. Once you click on 1080x1080, 400x400, or 200x200, the image is replaced with the image of the respective resolution:
Upload/insert a picture straight out of your device’s camera.
You will need to authenticate to the service in order to connect your Dropbox account. Once authenticated, you are presented with a list of your files. Choose one or more files to upload.
Link to URL
Directly upload an image using the image's URL address. Copy the image's URL and paste the URL link on the import bar and the picture is ready to be imported.
- The picture's preview is not available with the URL import.
- You can only upload: image/*, .jpg, .jpeg, .png,
Site Template
Choose among the pre-uploaded images from our Site Templates Gallery.