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How to Track and Review your Sales

On the Sales page, you can see information on your LearnWorlds school's sales-related events. You can filter orders by user, date, course, transaction ID, etc. You can narrow down orders by user, date, course, transaction ID, and more. Additionally, you can track the revenue generated by each course or instructor. 

In this article, we will explore the overview of the Sales page and how to track and review sales effectively

To monitor your sales, navigate to Reports → Sales


The Orders dashboard summarizes the sales activity regardless of the product type (course, bundle, subscription, payment plan, etc.). Course Bundles and Subscriptions have a special tag to distinguish them from individual course sales. You can track the following:

  • Learner 
  • Date of the purchase
  • Product name
  • Invoice-Transaction ID and even download the invoices
  • Amount
  • Payment Gateway and Payment method
  • Actions 
    • Download Invoice
    • Delete the Sale entry for deleted, anonymized users and purchases made via Sandbox.

You can also download the sales data, by clicking on Export data at the top of the Orders tab (in .xls or .csv).

- You can filter your Sales Records based on Custom Dates that you can state in the relevant Custom dates filter.  
- If a payment has failed, you can see the failure reason by navigating to Reports Activity log, clicking on Events and adding the Failed Purchase filter.

Products Revenues

On the Products Revenues tab, you can see the total sales of every product in your school, the total amount of receipts per product, and the total amount earned.

Instructors Revenues

To locate this navigate to Sales →  Instructors revenues.

You can see every instructor's revenue for the courses and bundles here categoriezed by instructor. You can also filter your searches by products or dates, and exporting the data in CSV or XLS files.

Instructors' Revenue is also visible in the Product Revenue tab. You can see every instructor's revenue for the courses and bundles by clicking on the down arrow above the product. You can also see the total Instructors income next to your total income

Canceled Sales

Any canceled sales are listed on the Cancelled orders tab. You can find canceled sales that occurred based on the following actions: 

1. Manual unenrollment by the admin.

2. Unenrollment due to expiration date. 

3. Unenrollment due to canceling payment plans.

You will find organized information per:

  • Learner 
  • Payment date
  • Un-enrolled date
  • Product
  • Invoice/Transaction ID and even download the invoices.
  • Amount

For all the aforementioned Sales tabs, you can:

  • Search for specific data or filter it by either the product name or by date.
  • Export the respective data in an xls or CSV format, by clicking on Export Data.

Track Coupon Sales

If you have created Coupons you can track the purchases performed with a specific redeemed coupon code. 

Navigate to Reports Sales Orders. Paste the coupon code in the search field to get all the sales results related to this coupon code.

  • If you want to remove a purchase record from your Sales page, you can manually unenroll the user for the order to be moved to your Cancelled Sales tab. If you wish to delete the user, you can do this after you have manually unenrolled the user.
  • If you wish to delete a course, its past purchases will still remain on the Orders tab. To view past purchases, you will need to use the search field and type the Course's name. 

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