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How Can User Resolve Payment Issues when Purchasing a Product

There might be instances where your payment fails when attempting to buy a course on a LearnWorlds platform.

In this article, we will go over some suggestions on how to resolve the most common issues when trying to purchase a LearnWorlds product.

Use a different Payment Method

In LearnWorlds, a school can support multiple payment methods. If the school owner has enabled more than one payment method, you can choose from the available options when purchasing a course.

Contact Your Bank

For some reason, your bank may decline the transaction (usually, this occurs if the transaction you are making is unfamiliar to the ones you usually make with your card or if you have used your card for multiple online transactions that were considered suspicious). If you contact your bank, they will be happy to allow the transaction once you retry.

Update Your Billing (Credit/Debit) Information

If your credit or debit card fails for a recurring monthly or annual payment, the billing processor of the school owner will make additional attempts to charge it, according to the number set by the school owner. It's essential to ensure there are enough funds in the card or update its information promptly. Failure to do so within this time frame may result in automatic unenrollment from the course(s) after the failed payment attempts.

To update your billing information, visit your Account page, which should be available through the topbar links.

Contact the School Owner

If you continue to encounter difficulties purchasing a course on the LearnWorlds platform, even after reaching out to your bank and attempting alternative payment methods, we recommend reaching out to the school owner for further assistance. They may be able to provide alternative purchasing options and ensure you gain access to the course.

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