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How to Manually Unenroll a User from a Product

Besides manually enrolling your users in a product there may be a case where you may want to unenroll a user from a product such as a course, bundle, or subscription.

1. Navigate to UsersAll Users

2. Find the user you want to manually unenroll and hover over the Manage column next to their avatar. 

3. Click on Remove Product and in the side form that appears, in the drop-down list find the product you wish to unenroll the user from.

4. Click on Un-enroll user.

 -If you want to unenroll more than one user from a product, you have the ability to Bulk unenroll users (available in the Learning Center plans or higher).

-By manually unenrolling a user, the relevant purchased records from your Sales page will be moved to your Cancelled Orders page.

-The option to unenroll a user from a free course is unavailable.

-When you manually unenroll a user from a subscription, it is immediately canceled on Stripe as well.

-When you manually unenroll a user from a product, an automatic refund is not issued. If you wish to provide a refund, you will need to process it manually.

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